Saturday, June 27, 2015

Plant Base Creamy Cole Slaw

Creamy Cole Slaw   (

serves 6  )

 1 bag washed & ready to eat cole slaw mix 1/2 cup tofu mayo (recipe )
 1/4 t smoked sweet Spanish paprika
 1/2 t black pepper
 1 t onion granules
 3/4 t salt
 2 T vinegar ( rice or white)
 2 T sweetener(maple syrup or whatever you have)
Mix and enjoy

Simple Daily Recipes

Friday, June 26, 2015

Plant Based Potato Salad Recipe

Extra Creamy Potato Salad

Here's another creamy salad recipe to add to your plant-based Fourth of July recipe list. Make this along side the creamy cole slaw I shared before this video. Together, they will rock your plate of awesomeness.
